Our History.


What We've Done

    • QPID was founded by Trevor Dagilis, a civil engineering student at Queen's University

    • ​In the summer of 1990 QPID sent four engineering students to Georgetown, Guyana working in Charity and Bartica on a water supply and waste management initiative.

    • QPID received funding from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) for its initiatives in Guyana

    • In the summer of 1991, 20 students worked on several projects in Guyana.

    • QPID began its "Speakers and Education" series, which were weekly meetings focused on various development topics.

    • QPID worked in Guyana in the summer of 1992.

    • QPID interns travelled to Guyana working with the Guyana agency for Health Education in New Amsterdam. In the Anna Region, QPID worked on a community development facilitation project. In Kabakaburi, interns worked at the Amerindian Cultural Revival Centre. In Georgetown, QPID worked with the Potolemy Reid Rehabilitation Centre. In Potosi, Bolivia, QPID worked with CDR (Centro para el Desarrollo).

    • QPID continued their work in Guyana and Bolivia

    • In Bolivia, QPID worked in Sucre, Cohacamba, and Tarija. In Guyana, QPID worked in Tapakuma, Kapoi, Mahaica Creek, Essequibo, and Kabakaburi.

    • QPID began its first project in Northern Canada. The program initiated was "Science Wed" - a unique youth program combining hands on natural and applied science with interactive traditional indigenous activities.

    • In Guyana, QPID worked with the Community Based Rehabilitation Centre, the Guyanese Water Authority, and with Maurice Bennet of the Inter-American Institute for the Cooperation in Agriculture (IICA).

    • In Bolivia, QPID worked with CIDER (Centro Integrado de Desarrollo Rural), UNISEF, CARE, and CER-DET (Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo).

    • In Peru, QPID partnered with WUSC (World University Service of Canada).

    • QPID carried out projects in Northern Canada and Bolivia

    • QPID initiated project in Kingston, first partnering with the Kingston Youth Shelter by gathering supplies and organizing fundraising campaigns.

    • QPID began "Seek, Encourage, Enhance" by providing a presentation on Guyana for young children to introduce them to development.

    • Summer projects took place in Northern Canada, Guyana, and Bolivia. Project identification was conducted in India.

    • QPID's involvement on campus grew with the Fair Trade initiative.

    • QPID worked at Baker Lake in Nunavut with the Kivaliq Divisional Education Council running a literacy camp.

    • QPID conducted projects in Bolivia working with the Hogar Foralexa and with Com Art Tukupai.

    • In Guyana, interns worked with the Guyanese Water Authority and the Guyana Ministry of Education.

    • QPID began its first projects in India working with the Association for People with Disabilities.

    • In Kingston QPID worked on a garden beautification initiative at John Graves Simcoe School

    • On campus QPID conducted its Fair Trade Coffee Campaign, selling coffee each morning on the corner of University and Union.

    • QPID's summer internships took place in Nunavut, Bolivia, Guyana, and India.

    • In Nunavut, QPID partnered with the Kivaliq Divisional Education Council working on literacy camps in Baker Lake, Chesterfield, Coral Harbour, and Repulse Bay.

    • QPID worked in Bolivia, partnering with an engineering infrastructure organization, ComART Tukupai, and Museo Templo del Sol in Lake Titicaca.

    • In Guyana, QPID worked with the Guyanese Water Authority and Guyana Ministry of Education.

    • QPID partnered with the Association of People with Disabilities in Bangalore, India.

    • In Kingston QPID partnered with Home Base Non-Profit Housing and In From the Cold.

    • QPID's summer projects continued in Nunavut, Bolivia and Guyana.

    • In Nunavut, QPID facilitated the "Books, Fun and Sun" summer literacy camps in Baker Lake, Repulse Bay, Whale Cove, and Arviat.

    • In Bolivia, QPID worked with CESATCH (Centro de Services Agropecuarios Tecnicos Chuquisaca), a local women's group on the production and sale of marmalade, with a textile producer's group and assisted in a medicinal herbs project.

    • In Guyana, QPID worked with the Adult Education Association and the Guyanese Water Authority.

    • On campus, QPID held an education campaign, its Fair Trade Campaign, and events during International Development Week.

    • In Nunavut, QPID ran its "Books, Fun, and Sun" literacy camp.

    • In Bolivia, QPID worked with Pro Habitat, CESATCH, Fundacion Fortaleza, and with Habitat Ecologica con Production.

    • QPID conducted project identification in Nicaragua.

    • QPID ran "Books, Fun, and Sun" literacy camps in Baker Lake and Repulse Bay.

    • In Bolivia, QPID worked with Fundacion Intercultural NOR SUD, the Fundacion Centre for Development of Solar Energy, and Pro Habitat.

    • In Guyana, QPID worked with the Roadside Baptist Church Skills Training Centre.

    • QPID worked with Plan International, Group Fenix, and Fundacion Amigos Rio San Juan (FUNDAR) in Nicaragua.

    • On campus, QPID created a Social Action Committee.

    • In Nunavut, camps were run in Baker Lake and Repulse Bay.

    • In Bolivia, interns worked with Pro Habitat, the Fundacion Indigena Amauta, Fundacion NOR SUD, and on several engineering projects.

    • QPID worked with Grupo Feniz and FUNDAR in Nicaragua.

    • In Guyana, QPID worked with the National Resource and Documentation Centre for Gender and Development in Georgetown, and with the Guyana Basic Education Teacher Training Project.

    • Project Identification was conducted in Burkina Faso.

    • QPID became a member of the CCIC (Canadian Council for International Cooperation).

    • QPID worked at Baker Lake and Repulse Bay in Nunavut.

    • In Burkina Faso, QPID worked with Community Radio, a rural university, and ANERSER, an organization that works with street youth.

    • QPID also carried out projects in Bolivia and Guyana.

    • QPID worked in Repulse Bay, Baker Lake, and Arviat conduction "Books, Sun, and Fun" literacy camps. QPID received additional funding to initiative a snack program and to begin to hire local leaders to assist with the camps.

    • In Bolivia, QPID worked with CINER (el Centro de Informacion Energias Renouvables) and CEITHAR (Centro Educativo Integral Tecnico Humanistico Acelerado Rural).

    • Interns in Guyana worked with UMRFDG and the Caiman House.

    • In Burkina Faso, QPID worked with ANERSER and FDC.

    • QPID ran its first cost free conference for high school students, Youth Forum on Global Community Development.

    • "Books, Fun, and Sun" literacy camp ran in Baker Lake, Repulse Bay, and Arviat in partnership with Kivalliq School Operations, the Department of Education, and the Kivalliq Region of Nunavut.

    • QPID began working in Ghana, partnering with FAPSEED (Facilitating the Provision of Sustainable Energy and Environment for Rural Development) and KITE (Kumasi Institute for Technology and Environment).

    • In Burkina Faso, QPID worked with ANERSER and APS (L'Association for la Paiz et la Solidarite).

    • In Bolivia, QPID worked with CINER (Centro de Information de Energias Renvables) and ETAPAS.

    • This was the tenth year of "Books, Fun, and Sun" literacy camp in Baker Lake, Repulse Bay, and Arviat.

    • QPID worked in Ghana with KITE and CARE Ghana.

    • In Guyana, QPID worked with the Upper Mahaicia River Farmer's Development Group and the St. Francis Community Developers (SFCD) in Rose Hall Town.

    • QPID launched its "Development Initiative Alliance" program for high school students.

    • QPID's project in Nunavut changed due to funding constraints. QPID began a partnership with the Hamlet of Arviat, assisting them with a summer camp.

    • In Ghana, QPID worked with KITE (Kumasi Institute of Technology, Energy and Environment) and Friends of the Nation.

    • QPID conducted its first projects in Botswana, partnering with True Men Trust and Ditshwanelo.

    • QPID began its community outreach initiative to encourage more interaction with development issues in Kingston.

    • QPID worked with the Hamlet of Arviat in Nunavut by running a summer camp.

    • In Ghana, QPID worked with KITE and the Abusua Foundation.

    • In Botswana, interns partnered with True Men Trust and Ditshwanelo.

    • QPID participated in the national "5 Days for the Homeless" campaign, raising $12,000 for the Kingston Youth Shelter.

    • In Nunavut, QPID continued its summer camp in Arviat.

    • In Ghana, QPID worked with KITE and the Mercy Foundation.

    • In Botswana, interns worked with True Men Trust and Ditschwanelo.

    • QPID participated in the "5 Days for the Homeless" campaign.

    • In Arviat, QPID continued its summer camp

    • In Ghana, QPID partnered with KITE

    • In Botswana, interns continued to partner with True Men Trust and NCONGO.

    • QPID participated in the "5 Days for the Homeless" campaign.

    • Summer projects continued in Nunavut and Botswana.

    • The Ghana initiative was cancelled due to emerging health risks in the area.

    • Project identification was conducted in New Delhi, India.

    • QPID participated in the national "5 Days for Youth Homelessness" campaign.

    • In Nunavut, our interns continued to run a summer camp in Arviat.

    • In Botswana, a group of four interns was sent to work with the organizations Travel for Impact and the Maun Animal Welfare Society.

    • QPID participated in the national "5 Days for Youth Homelessness" campaign.

    • QPID hosted a Youth Conference on the topic of climate refugees.

    • In Nunavut, two interns worked for the Hamlet of Arviat's wellness department creating mental health workshops.

    • In Botswana, two interns worked for Travel for Impact.

    • In India, three interns were sent to work for Vidya to create women's empowerment workshops.

    • QPID ran a variety of initiatives on campus including forums, and participated in the "5 Days for Youth Homelessness campaign"

    • QPID's high school outreach team ran workshops in local area schools and hosted a high school youth conference themed; "Gender Roles: Erasing the Label"

    • In Nunavut, two interns will work in the Hamlet of Arviat's economic development office doing work related to waste management and sustainability

    • In Botswana, our interns will continue their partnership with Travel for Impact in their Maun office.

    • In India, two interns will be working in Vidya's Delhi office doing work related to sustainability.

    • 5 Days for Homelessness campaign raised a larger donation than 2018

    • The Community Development Fund was established, donating $500 to local and global NGO’s monthly

    • 5 Days for Homelessness was replaced with QPID’s own Collecting with QPID (CWQ)

    • CWQ raised

    • The online Youth Conference welcomed students from all over the world

    • Events continued in an online format due to COVID19

    • CWQ raised $5,000 for the Kingston Youth Shelter

    • QPID led a month long pride social media campaign in June

    • Remote internship continues with Travel for Impact

    • In person events resumed

    • QPID hires the first Equity, Diversity, Indigeneity, and Inclusivity director

    • CWQ raised $13,000 for the Kingston Youth Shelter

    • Remote internship continues with Travel for Impact

    • QPID continued the Equity, Diversity, Indigeneity, and Inclusivity Portfolio

    • Created the QPID Monitoring & Evaluations position under EDII

    • Sent interns to Manila, Mumbai, Maun, and Yellowknife

    • Created the People & Culture portfolio under the General Director

    • Created the Sustainability Strategy position under the General Director

    • Announced the NGO/NPO of the Month series in loop with Forums, Internships, and General posts

What We're Doing Now



As the 2024/2025 school year continues, we are excited for a variety of exciting events to be held both on Queen's campus and in the greater Kingston community. Look under the Initiatives tab for more information about our Forum Events, Community Outreach, Workshops, and Youth Conference, and stay tuned for dates!


This year we have implemented a new internship partnered with Parabukas, an NGO that serves to demystify legal and policy issues around climate change, the environment, and sustainable development.


This summer we will be sending two interns to work for Ecology North, a charitable, non-profit organization based in Yellowknife, NWT. Ecology North's programs focus on five priorities: climate change, environmental education, water, waste reduction, and local food production. A common thread throughout all of the Ecology North programming is an emphasis on environmental, social, and community well-being.


QPID is currently partnered with the

organization Travel for Impact (TFI). TFI is a social enterprise that links the travel industry with local community projects in Northern Botswana. TFI aims to bridge the gap between the tourism sector and civil society, allowing visitors and tourism companies to give back to the communities which host them. In the past our interns have taken on roles related to marketing, outreach, and administration. ​